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FREE EOS, XLM, BAND, Filcoin, ALGO, and COMP crypto. Quiz and Answers provided

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FREE XLM, COMP, BAND, Filcoin crypto etc...! Links and quiz answers provided.
Use the referal link, watch the educational video in Coinbase and take the quiz.
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The Graph (GRT): Earn up to 3$ 
1. Blockchain data
2. GRT tokens
3. Curators

Quiz Answers:
1. What is Stellar?
- A decentralized protocol that unites the world's financial infrastructure
2. What are Stellar Lumens (XLM)?
- Facilitating low cost, Universal payments
3. Why is Stellar good for sending remittances?
- Transactions are fast, inexpensive and global
4. How banks, businesses, & people use Stellar
- To issue, exchange, and transfer tokens quickly and efficienly
5. How does Stellar protect digital assets?
- It relies on the cooperation of trusted nodes to confirm transactions

1. Earning interest on your crypto
2. Supply a crypto asset as collateral
3. COMP token Holders

  1. By making crypto accessible on mobile phones

  2. Staking, governance and stability

  3. Using the Valora mobile app

  1. MKR and DAI

  2. MKR Holders

  3. A Crypto Wallet and Crypto Collateral

1. Real world data
2. Oracles
3. Earn crypto rewards

Quiz Answers:
1. What is Orchid?
- A peer to peer privacy wallet.

2. How do you use Orchid?
- The OXT token, a Web3 wallet, and the Orchid app
3. How does Orchid keep data private?
- Support for multihop configurations between bandwidth providers

Quiz Answers:
1. What are EOSIO and EOS?
- A blockchain protocol for fast, scalable applications
2. What is Delegated Proof of Stake?
- Delegated proof of stake
3. What is the EOS token?
- Fast, free transfers
4. CPU, NET, and RAM: Resources on EOSIO
- Stake EOS tokens
5. Developing apps with EOSIO
- Upgradeable smart contracts

Quiz Answers:
1. What is Tezos?
- Formal Verification
2. What is Tezos baking?
- A decent computer, an internet connection and 1 roll of Tez (8,000 XTZ)
3. How does Tezos upgrade itself?
- The formal governance process

Quiz Answers:
1. What is Dai?
- A decentralized stablecoin that aims to be worth one US dollar
2. What is Dai used for?
- Decentralized and borderless
3. How does Dai stay stable?
- Open a CDP with Maker

1. By being scalable, secure, and decentralized (Earn $2)
2. A randomly selected ALGO token (Earn $2)
3. Algorand Standard Asset (ASA) (Earn $2)

1. A decentralized marketplace for data storage and retrieval.
2. Proof of replication and proof of spacetime
3. By its content

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FREE EOS, XLM, BAND, Filcoin, ALGO, and COMP crypto. Quiz and Answers provided FREE EOS, XLM, BAND, Filcoin, ALGO,  and COMP crypto. Quiz and Answers provided Reviewed by on 14:38 Rating: 5

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